Sunday, November 12, 2006

What is "The Itinerant"?

In attempting to come up with a name, all I had to do was look in front of me.

When I was living in Scottsdale, Az I stopped at a garage sale off of Shea Blvd. This was a sort of life changing event, albeit only in a small way. One tends to realize as they go through life, that many little events make up a great part of you, which as I write this I can't help to think of the Chicago song "If You Leave Me Now"'ll take away the biggest part of me, ooohh wooo ooo... (cough). Moving on. For about 3 dollars I got a mother load of items. I got these signs, which I based a character around for a short film I did when I was 18 titled "Yo Como Mis Primos". The person who had the garage sale must have been something of a salesman, one of those intense ones who wear short sleeve dress shirts with a square tie, and a buzz cut. The signs, I imagine where made to put in your cubicle or work station, were positive affirmations such as, "Fatigue Makes Cowards of Us All" and "Control the Ball".

I also bought Ecstasy II: A Board Game for Lovers. Which is self-explanatory, and I only attempted to play it once (this was recently as I purchased the game roughly 5 years ago) and it only lasted a few roles of the die before we decided to bypass the activities and create our own "ecstasy". That hot item only cost me 25 cents.

But what you are dying to know is, what is The Itinerant? I’m getting there. I also purchased a "trophy" that fine day, seems like a trophy although I am not really sure what it is to be perfectly honest. The "trophy", or plaque, is a 8 x 6 piece of wood that has what looks like an I with a basketball looking globe shooting through the middle of it, below that it says Amsterdam 86. Hmm Okay. This is a silver design that is encased in a plastic square which is similar to the plastic protective cases in which you put your valuable baseball cards (right?). Below this, on a thin strip of metal it says, "International Conference For Itinerant Evangelists July 12-21" Best item ever! An Evangelists ... Thing. I thought it was the funniest and has hung on various walls at various apartments ever since.

I did try to look up this conference, this is all I came up with in terms of useful info: , maybe someone knows more? Being staunchly against the principles of the Evangelical movement, the irony of having the plaque commemorating my participation in this event, 3 years after my birth, is something I cherish deeply.

But why The Itinerant?

Like I said, in trying to think up a name, and all these damn things do need a name, all I did was look up from my computer to the plaque on the wall. I looked up the word to see what it means and it fit, to a degree, the purpose of this "blog" (side note: worst name for anything ever, how do these things catch on? Academics or individuals who lend credence to movements by giving them horrible names such as blog should really be ashamed of themselves, shame on you!) from the stand point of who I am. I will now supply you the definition that applies:

I-tin-er-ant - noun. a person who alternates between working and wandering.

That would be me. The working part is considerably spare in comparison to the wandering which will be the focus of the blog. The act of discovering and uncovering. Whether it is Film, Music, Architecture, Food, Art, Events, Photography, Books, Sexy things, Found Art (which is different from art) anything that is worth finding will be found and discussed at a moderate length. I will also include pictures of various things discovered while wandering. Think of this web site like an umbrella policy with your insurance company. Covers everything it can, but this isn’t a waste of your money as it is free, the information is free.

Welcome fellow Itinerants.

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